Pencil on recycled paper, á 15,5 x 6,5 cm (48 pieces total)
Part of the installation Affordable for Whom?, 2019
Part of the installation Affordable for Whom?, 2019
Graphite on paper, á 21 x 29,7 cm, 2018
Graphite on paper, á 29,7 x 21 cm, 2018
Crayons and graphite on paper, á 21 x 29,7 cm, 2018
Pencil on paper, 29,7 x 41,5 cm, 2012

You are all around me, charcoal on paper, 200 x 150 cm / detail, 2011
Silence, charcoal on paper, 150 x 150 cm / detail, 2011
Photo credits: Riikka Mathlin
Silence, charcoal on paper, 150 x 150 cm / detail, 2011
Photo credits: Riikka Mathlin

Say it again, charcoal on paper (1-3), 21 x 29,7 cm, 2010
Tracing imagination, charcoal powder on paper, 91 x 72 / 92 x 73,5 cm, 2010
Tracing imagination, charcoal powder on paper, 91 x 72 / 92 x 73,5 cm, 2010
Nopeaa joksikin, pencil on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm, 2009

Promise (1-2), graphite on melamine coated hardboard, 75 x 63 cm, 2008
Doesn´t matter (4-5), charcoal on canvas, 56 x 48 cm, 2008
Happy end?, charcoal on melamine coated hardboard, 129 x 22 cm, 2008
Doesn´t matter (4-5), charcoal on canvas, 56 x 48 cm, 2008
Happy end?, charcoal on melamine coated hardboard, 129 x 22 cm, 2008